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  1. The Truth About Fats

    According to the American Heart Association (AHA), healthful unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, appear to not raise LDL cholesterol, and some studies suggest they might even help lower “bad” LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol slightly when eaten as part of a low saturated and low trans fat diet.

  2. Making Sense of Sodium

    On average, Americans consume almost 4,000 milligrams (mg) of sodium a day. That’s a lot more than the U.S. Dietary Guideline that advises the general population to limit sodium to 2300 mg a day.

  3. Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

    You know who they are – the well-meaning folks who push food on you during the holidays, urging you to “Just have one!” or “Splurge a little, it’s the holidays!” It may be Grandma (which is kind of sweet), but more often than not it’s a friend, neighbor or co-worker — and that’s extra pressure to eat the calorie-laden foods and drinks you don’t need.

  4. Tips for Summer Health

    You know who they are – the well-meaning folks who push food on you during the holidays, urging you to “Just have one!” or “Splurge a little, it’s the holidays!” It may be Grandma (which is kind of sweet), but more often than not it’s a friend, neighbor or co-worker — and that’s extra pressure to eat the calorie-laden foods and drinks you don’t need.

  5. Sleep and Weight Loss

    Did you know that on average, overweight people sleep 16 minutes less per day than do people of normal weight? In fact, data from the over 68,000 women followed in the Nurses’ Health Study, show that those who slept 5 hours or less per night were nearly a third more likely to gain 30 pounds than those who slept 7 hours a night.

  6. Walk Your Way to Health

    In many ways, walking does not get the kudos it deserves in the realm of fitness and health. But, if you think about walking as an exercise, it really has a lot going for it. Walking is easy on the joints, can be fun either alone or with others, doesn’t require fancy gear or equipment, can be performed indoors or out, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and sizes.

  7. 6 Small Lifestyle Changes That Can Make a Big Impact

    Every year people vow to make drastic changes to their lifestyle to improve their health. Many make promises to themselves to go to the gym three days each week, some say they’ll never eat their temptation food again, and a lot of people try to eat healthier and decide to go on a diet to lose weight.

  8. Inside the Diet-to-Go Gourmet Diet Delivery Kitchen

    Do you ever wonder how your Diet-to-Go meals are composed from start to finish? It’s no easy task creating the best-quality, most delicious gourmet diet delivery meals in the market, but that doesn’t stop us from giving you the number one customer and critic-reviewed meals. And here’s how we do it.

  9. Compare Diet Delivery Plans – What Sets Diet-to-Go Apart?

    There are many gourmet diet delivery services available. But what sets Diet-to-Go apart from the other guys? Let’s break it down.

  10. The Bacon Factor: Low-Carb Diet Plans for Weight Loss

    So you think you’re finally ready to give up all the refined grains and sugars and opt for eating bacon 24/7? We’re kidding about the bacon, but going low-carb may in fact be a great solution for your weight loss. 

  11. Weight Loss Plateaus

    Dreaded, feared and unfortunately, pretty much inevitable: the weight loss plateau. You know the story; you’re doing great, losing weight, feeling fantastic and then…bam! You’re stuck. No matter what you do, the scale does not move. Weight loss plateaus, they are the worst! But what exactly is a weight loss plateau, why do they happen? And more importantly, what can we do to get past them?

  12. 10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift Weights

    Total wellness expert Alicia Kirschenheiter says women should embrace weight training rather than turn and run scared for the cardio machines.Weight training will not leave a woman looking like a muscular freak. When done properly, weight training wll help you slim down, tone up and get healthier!Check out the 10 reasons you may want to put down that cell phone and pick up a weight.10 Reasons Women NEED to Lift WeightsIn the past few years there has been a barrage of information regarding the importance of strength training for woman, yet whenever I have introduced the idea to any of...

  13. Don't Let a Binge Blow Your Diet

    Dieting doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. So the next time you slip and scarf down an entire package of Girl Scout cookies or a carton of ice cream, don't throw in the towel, give up and gain back the weight you've lost.You wouldn't trash your car just because you got a dent in the fender, right? So why should you abandon your weight loss goals over a single moment of diet debauchery?Author and registered nurse Linda Spangle knows why we are so quick to call it a day and dive back into overeating. "Whenever you say, 'I...

  14. 5 Superfoods that will Spruce Up Your Salads

  15. Eating Mindfully for Weight Loss: The 6 Rules

    EDITOR'S NOTE: Guest blogger Cynthia Parrott is a busy working woman who manages to find the time for fitness, diet and the writing of great advice for health-conscious women."Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally." ~Jon Kabat-ZinnLast week I shared with you some thoughts on mindful and mindless eating. We learned how to understand our relationships with food by being mindful of why we eat, when we eat, and what we eat.We eat when we are not hungry, and when we are nervous, bored or frustrated. We use food as...

  16. Belly Up: 6 Good Exercises for a Tighter Core

    When you hear the word core, what comes to mind? Abs? Lower back? Obliques? If you thought one or more of these answers, you're partially right. Basically, your core comprises all the muscles that are responsible for moving and stabilizing the trunk or spine.Simply, your core is your body without arms and legs. If there's any weakness in any muscle of this system, your core is compromised.I hear all the time about people who have strong abs, but a bad back. One of the reasons is because they do 5,000,000 crunches a day and neglect the other muscles of the...

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