EDITOR'S NOTE: Alicia Kirschenheiter is a total wellness guru who has rolled up her sleeves to help you to not only stay on track with your 2011 diet, but to also get the most out of our resolutions for healthy living. Alicia knows that total wellness equals diet, exercise and a proper mindset. Incorporate all three parts and you'll see far better results with your weight loss.
1) Incorporate fitness the right way... with goals you can reach!
Set realistic fitness goals that can be achieved. Maybe 30 minutes a day of cardio is too much at one time but how about three 10-minute walk sessions. No problem!
2) If it ain't fun it won't get done!
Simply pick exercise activities you enjoy. Not only will you be getting the benefits of calorie expenditure but you are more likely to stick with a workout if you enjoy it. Why choose biking as your activity when you love to walk?
3) Have a plan!
The beginning stages of a new diet are usually full steam ahead but once we're a few weeks in we typically slow down. Think about what your fitness plans are now even though you have just begun and plan ahead. It's easier to plan for the pitfalls when you're not at the bottom of the pit!
4) Never say NEVER!
Never totally exclude a food you love. After all, we are just big children. The more you tell us we can't have something the more we want it. So chose wisely but reward yourself occasionally and enjoy.
5) What's diet & fitness without piece of mind?
Recognize that you are doing yourself a world of good -- and write it down. Every day or once a week jot down what your healthy lifestyle goals will help you achieve. Maybe it's reducing your cholesterol or blood pressure. Or maybe your motivation is being able to do something you always wanted but couldn't. Writing it down will make it that much closer to reality.
For more great advice from Alicia, check out her Diet-to-Go blog.
Alicia is an American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer and a Weight & Lifestyle Management consultant. The owner of Evolution Total Wellness in New York is also the author of "Oscar & Otis, Fat Fighters." For more information, visit www.linkedin.com/in/evolutiontotalwellness.