Diet-to-Go Blog
  1. Diet Blog Carnival: The 19 Healthiest Foods + 4 More Great Diet Blogs

    Can you believe another week has come and gone -- and it's time again for the exciting and insightful Diet-to-Go Diet Blog Carnival!?

    Well step right up and check out the five best blogs submitted to Diet-to-Go by readers just like you!

    #5: Why is the Biggest Loser Such a Big Winner?

    Every week I talk to a surprising number of women who have either applied for The Biggest Loser, or have seriously considered it. It just goes to show that otherwise intelligent women will still consider doing just about anything for the promise of big weight loss.

    They acknowledge it might include some serious humiliation, starvation, and the occasional need for a defibrillator, but hey, we're women, we can put up with just about anything if the pay-off seems worth it! (Think childbirth and four inch heels)...

    Blog Title: The Biggest Loser: Just A Fat Camp With Big Ratings

    Blog Link:


    #4: Svelte Gourmet Tackles Boot Camp

    It hurts to type. OK, not really to type, but with my arms hovering above the keyboard like this, I can tell I've worked hard this week! Lucky for me, I happen to like muscle pain. It makes me proud that I've done something good for myself and makes me aware of my muscles... some I didn't even know I had! Ouch!

    As you've probably surmised, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And at this computer. And while I'm proof positive that it is possible to lose weight just by eating right, exercise is the other half of the equation...

    Blog Title: Move It and Lose It!

    Blog Link:


    #3: Losing Weight without Spending a Lot

    Who wouldn't want to get healthier, lose the extra pounds and feel better?

    After all, our health is our most important asset and these days, health care costs are among those things that are rising faster than inflation!

    Get a load of this study that proclaims that the average U.S. family will be paying 7.6% more in health care thanks to rising prescription drug prices (among other things)...


    Blog Title: Lose Weight While Spending Less on Food and Exercise

    Blog Link:


    #2: How Bigger Plates Lead to Bigger Waists!

    Dieting is like running a race. It's hard to sustain. That's why most diets only last two weeks. And then, we can't wait to start eating again like we did before. Personally, I would rather walk and make changes to my environment than go on a diet.

    The trick is finding ways to eat less without thinking about it. And remember, we always eat more than we think. Why? Because most of us don't eat out of hunger. We eat because the food is there. Ever think about why you stop eating dinner ... is it because you cleaned your plate...

    Blog Title: The Small Plate Club

    Blog Link:


    #1: The 19 Foods You Should be Eating

    There are a lot of very healthy foods out there, and nutritionists have been kind enough to let you know which ones to eat. After a while, though, their advice seems to all sound the same, and you start hearing the same foods over and over again.

    However, there are loads of foods that aren't as popular as some, but are just as good (or even better). Here are 19 of the best, yet lesser-known, foods that are excellent for your health...

    Blog Title: The 19 Healthiest Foods You're Probably Not Eating

    Blog Link:


    Yes, it's Over...

    There ya have it for this week. The show is over and the tent is coming down . But be sure to come back next Friday and every Friday for the best dieting blogs out there.

    Please submit your favorite blogs -- written by you or maybe even ones you've read on your personal journmey to wellness.

    The submission link is:

    Author: Justin Smith

    Weight Loss Community
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